PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Simonian, Joseph AU - Sosa, Ognjen AU - Heilbron, Ed AU - Senoski, Michael AU - McFarren, Thomas TI - Capital-Market-Aware LDI: <em>Actively Navigating the De-Risking Journey</em> AID - 10.3905/jpm.2018.44.2.130 DP - 2017 Dec 31 TA - The Journal of Portfolio Management PG - 130--135 VI - 44 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - AB - In corporate pension portfolios, de-risking from stocks to bonds is often driven by funded status, with the bond allocation increasing as funded status improves. A question naturally arises out of the practice of de-risking: If de-risking based on funded-status improvement is an effective way for plans to preserve gains, does re-risking a plan’s portfolio as funded status deteriorates prove to be an effective way to recover from losses? To answer this question, the authors compare funded-status-driven re-risking to an active re-risking strategy driven by market factors. They find that re-risking driven solely by funded status adds marginal value at the cost of potentially significant additional risk, whereas an active approach to re-risking may assist in both generating alpha versus the liability as well as mitigating downside risk.TOPICS: Retirement, risk management